Pax Romana Capital

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Stupid Headlines You Should Ignore-Provided by CNBC and CNN

     You know, if you read my website often, that I have some beef with CNBC and their overly sensationalist headlines. I think these headlines are cheap, lazy, and signs of a profound lack of creativity at their company. CNN is also famously poor, especially in the business section of their company. We’re going to go over some of their recent headlines, and I’m going to explain why you should ignore these headlines, and really, why you should ignore pretty much everything that comes out of both CNBC and CNN Business.

     The stock market is in its longest stretch without a 2% sell-off since the financial crisis is a headline from CNBC. First, this is a bit tiki-taka, but it is a 2.05% sell-off, not a 2% sell-off, but ignoring that, this headline is so unbelievably unnecessary. WHO CARES??? This is such a nothing-burger of information, it frustrates me so much. And then the completely unnecessary mention of the financial crisis. The dancing around the main point, which is never mentioned. If you believe something, like “I believe this market is overvalued, and I expect a crash similar to that of 2008,” then say that. Don’t imply it via a garbage statistic.

      Not to hate on a writer, one of my least favorite things to do, but churning out three, four-hundred-word, AI-feeling, inconsequential, and forgettable columns a day is a waste of the platform. And this is not the writer’s fault. Stuff like this is a symptom of the larger culture. A culture at CNBC that has two minutes of valuable content for every twenty hours of gunk. One Raging Bull for every thousand The Big Wedding. For those who haven’t seen one or both, Raging Bull is one of the best movies of all time, a masterpiece in storytelling, while The Big Wedding is goop that would cost anyone most of their brain cells, and it was just…bad.

      Now, we get to a company that is somehow worse than CNBC in conveying news: CNN’s website is so unbelievably garbage. The sneaky, smart reasons malls have no windows was an extremely informative and helpful article put in CNBC’s business section.  Again, this is just the culture of CNN’s online presence. Badly titled, clickbait information that both makes me sad and would make me wary of investing in its parent company, Warner Bros Discovery if I was looking at their stock (which I’m not because I like money).

     UPS promised new delivery vans with AC. It hasn’t bought any, is useless. If you read this article, you’ll find little of interest at all. This sounds a bit dark, and I’m sorry, but CNN has too many writers, or at least, they are using their writers wrong. CNN needs to fire or re-focus many of its writers off these nothing-writings and onto worthwhile stories. Nobody is going to return to your website if you provide no analysis and if nearly all you write about is inconsequential to the extreme. CNN and CNBC, need to refocus.

     They both need to write about important things, find stories, inform, and provide legitimate, and helpful analysis. If they don’t, I’ll be the only reader left, and I’ll just be spite-reading.