Apple: The Future

Apple released their new augmented/virtual reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro to be experimented with by reporters and tech YouTubers. These headsets will be released in 2024 and priced at an eye-watering $3,500. This is bonkers compared to the top-of-the-line Sony and Meta VR headsets, which typically cost about 300-400 dollars. Many, including my father, have bemoaned this extreme cost as an example of a giant out-of-touch tech conglomerate tricking idiots into spending thousands on a VR headset. I don't see it this way, I think Apple has a long history of spending their money efficiently. They absorb losses smoothly and experiment with just the right things to always stay at the front of the field. I also think this Apple Vision Pro will be one of the most successful projects Apple has ever embarked on. I sort of hesitate to say this, in fear of being labeled a hype-sucker, but I think that this headset has the potential to be the best thing Apple has done so far. More impactful than the Mac or iPhone. They have so brilliantly executed the building of this headset. I know it took longer than was promised to release, but still, this is miles ahead of anything that their competitors have released. Meta for example is still floundering with a headset whose sales decreased by 90% and a future grossly uncertain. Microsoft’s augmented reality is shaky and doesn’t seem anywhere close to this level. Google glasses were an abject failure. Apple really seems to have nailed this so perfectly. They know the future, augmented reality, these headsets are the future. This is not my first time writing about Apple, and it will likely not be my last. They always ride these waves perfectly, a company that has avoided the appearance of being a creepy tech company and simultaneously has mastered the tech world. They are on top of their game right now, and it would be foolish to not hop on the bandwagon. What can you do to enjoy some of this? The simple answer is to just buy their stock no matter the price. They will always do well. Death, taxes, and Apple always crushing whatever they do. Even when they spend pools of money on failed projects, they absorb the loss and continue on. A quality that truly makes them superior to all of their tech competitors. I know this is sort of a short one, but that’s because the answer is so clear. Buy Apple.


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