Apple, A Great Fruit, and A Stellar Company

Apple (AAPL) is a terrifically run company. A company that seems to encompass everything hasn’t seriously drawn the ire of anti-monopoly watchdogs on Capitol Hill. In a few years, Apple will release its first car. They recently launched a banking service, obviously, they dominate consumer tech hardware and are winning their “war” with Meta. They are a company with few flaws, yet people still refuse to buy. Whenever I see news headlines like “AAPL stock drops after loss in iPhone sales momentum” I want to tear my hair out, on the way to buying more. What people don’t seem to understand is that it simply does not matter how much their iPhone sales drop, or how badly an experiment of theirs is going. They are so heavily diversified, they are so smart, and so well-led, that it just doesn’t matter. It’s not just me saying this, some of the biggest of the biggest funds have significant holdings in AAPL: Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway, Goldman Sachs, and national banks. BTW, the website I use to find that I’ll link at the bottom, it’s a great resource, and free. If you learn anything from me at any point while reading any information on my website it is that you should always follow the big boys. Blackrock, and Goldman Sachs. These guys are smarter than you, they are better than you, and they will always know more than you, so whenever you see multiple international branches of Blackrock for example, investing large portions of their portfolios in a stock, you can feel secure. Another lesson you can take from this website is to always trust good leadership. Good leaders or good leadership teams always find a way to win, that’s why Tottenham has been crap for so long, and that’s why the Hornets, and Panthers have been poop for so long (all teams I love.) Without proper leadership, eventually, every company will whither, crumple, and be crushed by a competitor. For example, if this Meta gamble doesn’t work out for Mark Zuckerberg, they will be torn apart. However, that isn’t something you have to worry about with AAPL, they are just too good of a company. Their ability to find areas in the market that are not being capitalized effectively, and then filling the hole is world-class. As is their ability to recognize when they have no chance. By repeating those two actions over, and over throughout the years they have been able to invest their resources with maximum efficiency, and with minimum negative consequences. Their PR is also excellent, in a world where monolithic companies like Google, Meta, and Bytedance (Tik Tok) are looked at with intense disdain, AAPL has long been seen as the nice tech giant. With a brand long constructed around privacy in a world of digital invasion, they have lifted themselves above the rabble. It’s these things that build a winning culture in a company. That culture and direction is the CEO’s job, obviously, they don’t have the time to micromanage every single right choice, so they have to hire the right people and make a culture that will. In this, Tim Cook has found resounding success. Finally, the stock has a consistent winning culture. Not to be that guy, and target the natural FOMO that humans experience, but people have been waiting for the stock to fall, so they can make the right pick for a decade. It just won’t stop going up. In five years when you’re rolling in cash, you won’t remember whether you bought the stock at $175 or at $165, just buy it. Do some more research, but consider this my useless recommendation that you should buy AAPL.


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