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How To Invest if Trump Wins

     I was planning on writing this article a few months from now, but that debate performance from Biden was bad. I still didn’t write this after the debate because I saw a path for Biden to come back, and there still is a path, I suppose, but the ensuing behind-closed-doors, mini civil war that ensued showed me that Biden will lose, which in my opinion, is bad, but that’s just because I hate Donald Trump. Anyway, here is what you should change about your investment strategy if (when) Trump wins.

     First, you should not change your strategy too much. There are very few actions a president makes that would significantly change your portfolio. You should not shift your strategy in any huge way.

     Arguably the most impactful decision Donald Trump will make is his firing/not re-appointing of Jerome Powell. Now, as much as I occasionally make fun of Jerome Powell, he is extremely competent, and he is about to pull off a soft landing, which is extremely impressive, but Trump has said he is firing Powell. Trump basically beefed with Jerome Powell immediately, and very recently has said that Jerome Powell is lowering rates to try and help Joe Biden win, which is insane, by the way. Whoever Trump replaces Jerome Powell with will, I assume, act at Trump’s whim. That whim will often point towards rates that are as low as possible.

     This means that you can take a little more risk, invest in some less stable companies, and bet on those companies’ ability to get money for cheap.

     I would also bet on financial companies to a larger degree. Donald Trump loves de-regulation of the financial markets, and while those stocks will likely implode over a long enough time, in the short-term, they will benefit from de-regulation.

     The same carries true for REITS. If you have a REIT in mind, you may as well pull the trigger now. Donald Trump has always been very kind to real estate, and I assume his ultra-low interest rates will carry them to large profits.

     But again, do not change anything major based off a presidential election. Donald Trump can do very little to hurt stock prices, and all his decisions will likely be too broad to hurt your portfolio to a large degree.

     While writing this, I find myself a smidgen mad at Joe Biden and the people surrounding him. Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this country. Only once in the history of America has there not been a peaceful transition between two presidents. Donald Trump is a hyper-dangerous moron. He will kill this country under the weight of his avarice if given the space, and Joe Biden has practically handed him the keys to the castle. I was watching clips of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan’s debate from 2012, and I was legitimately shocked. The Joe Biden of 12 years ago looks like ten times the Joe Biden of today. Even the Joe Biden of four years ago looks worlds better than the Joe Biden we have now.

     What makes me most mad, is that he STILL is not giving up. France re-oriented their entire political ecosystem in a week to defeat the Trump of France, the UK had an entire election in three months, and Joe Biden is claiming it is too late. He needs to shut up and sit down right now. If Donald Trump wins this election, it will be Joe Biden’s fault. It will also be the Democratic Party’s fault for once again being too weak to do anything. Every time it is their will that snaps first. They always play it safe. They are always too cowardly and self-serving, and I say this as a Democrat.

     This is a nation of valor, bravery, and pride. There will always be demons in America, but it is the duty of our greatest men, our leaders to defeat these evils. Joe Biden is not our greatest man. He is no Caesar. He is no Hannibal. He is nothing. We are a nation of so much more than this. This is a disgusting situation with two disgusting men. One is a greedy, self-serving, morally bankrupt, vile human. And the other is a man who no longer possesses the strength to beat him or the bravery to give up.

     We are better than this.